Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Gothic Beauties, Rock Chics and Alternative Babes - Alternative to bootcamp program - If you want fantastic 'alternative' girls

I do mainstream clubs as well, but I love alternative girls, there's something I find immensely attractive about them.

I've decided to offer a scholarship. Basically, this means I will take a few people perhaps people who are fucking useless and teach that person or people to mack girls right out of a club - or off the streets.

I recently had an experience where I spotted probably the most incredible barbie doll deeply tanned, platinum blonde, miniskirted eastern european club girl on Regent Street (she had been to Chinawhite). I was gonna so a street approach, but got approach anxiety as things had not gone well that night for me. I let the girl walk off but half heartedly followed, knowing my state was so bad that I couldn't approach. Just looking at her was a thrill though. Anyway 2 black guys who where obviously not pro pickup artists (probably way below AFCs) spurred on by right handed fantasies just blurted something out at her in the hope that would elicit a response. She just carried on walking.

I went up to the 2 black guys and said "dudes, you didn't do it right, for a start the approach angle was wrong, the distance to target was wrong, it wasn't.........."
They said to me "Who are you? If you're so great you try!" Well, I felt a bit of a prick criticising them, but I accepted the gauntlet. They watched in the background as the girl walked off down Oxford Street on Saturday night. I walked up to the girl (hot girls on their own always walk fast for some reason), and when along side her, casually asked her what club she'd been too, then ran other game on her. WEll, she didn't tell me to fuck off, and I walked and talked with her a few minutes, and I mad e her laugh - I then ejected. Actually I wasn't tight enough to pick up this girl, but I got some response.

The black guys were stunned that I had the nerve to even go near her and talk. They were congratulating me that I got some kind of response and wanted me to join them at some other club. I was tired and left though. I felt really good in that I showed them something they hadn't thought could be done. May be they'll get into the seduction game one day. I really enjoyed my spot of teaching and this got me thinking.

In fact you can be pretty good already or not that great, or be a grand master far better than me, or hopeless - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you've got to be really hungry and really want these types of girls - the top ones. This is not gonna be a bootcamp where I tell you to do this and that and order you about - that's pretty shit (and expensive). Rather we will discuss our game experiences and I'll tell how I do things and show you. It is not really winging for each other either and I'll be out to take girls for myself (where bootcamp instructors don't do that).

This course is gonna be absolutely free, so if you think you are too useless, too boring, too old, too .... - contact me if you are interested (the bit before the at sign is londonpua and the bit after the at sign is mail dot com)
If you are highly educated, or highly uneducated, like music or can play guitar, that would be good.

Here's the syllabus:

Day 1 meet in a Starbucks or some other coffee shop - 2 hours discussion about the game.

Then we're gonna go to work: (don't expect this to be easy - it's hard work, which is why I refer to it as such)

I'm gonna extract girls from any of - Decadence (sin), Slimelight, The Intrepid Fox, Full Tilt (Sin City), Devonshire Arms.

This is not a one 2 or 3 day event, like a bootcamp. It goes on and on endlessly until everyone finds what they're looking for.

I have a female pivot who can join us sometimes - she's immensely helpful. She isn't my girl, she has a boyfriend and I don't want her as she's my friend. I also have a 'natural' friend that shows up sometimes, he knows nothing about the community, he hasn't even got a net connection so he says, but he always manages to take a girl home.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Leading Players do not have the result they want - it's self evident

Think about it - I've been doing this for years and and this is not the conclusion I guess I wanted to arrive at:

If a guy is getting the type of girl(s) he wants (in quality and quantity) and having the type of sex he wants with her from the outset, and the type of relationship he wants with her subsequently (if he wants that). That person is going to be living on another planet.

I think quality, quantity and sex are the keys. If I find a girl where the sex is as good as I think it should be, then I will fucking keep her and stick with her for a while. The subject of sex is almost totally ignored in the (commercial) community, but experience tells me that if it's how it should be you won't feel the need to do pickup as much.

I have said this before, but I suspect that with outright macking, a lot of the sex that guys 'get' is pathetic. Perhaps this is an area that people should look into. As for certain people's claims with numbers of hot hotbabes laid etc, it doesn't seem to mean that much. In fact it's almost a tacit admission of a sexual performance so bad, you've got to find another girl.

One thing I find shocking (if it's true - which it may not be) is that Lemmy said in an interview he fucks a groupie for a few strokes then has to wait 8 hours to try again and he takes viagra. Much as I admire the man, I think that's called a problem.

As Lemmy said "The Chase is Better than the Catch".

It should be the other way round though as otherwise this game is pointless. Pickup is thrilling but it's also a lot of work - a hell of a lot - don't be fooled.

Concentrate on fucking the living crap out of your catch - that's really the point and the satisfaction.

When you look at various commercial PUA sites, the results that various 'players' claim can't really be substantiated, it would make sense for them to exaggerate their results for commercial gain. I'm sure this is how the other game works. There's the game, which used to be pure, then there's the marketing game to make money out of it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Using Yoga to control sexual energy b4 going in field

I have discovered that proximity IOI incidents go up hugely. This is not something you can just learn to do in a few days though, it will take years or decades, so it's pretty useless for most men. Perhaps guys with a background in Tai Chi or harder martial arts would be able to do it though.

A pickup artist that knows how to flow 'chi','prana', 'ching' (it's called lot's of different things), in his own body can walk into a club and have a big advantage over someone as skilled as say Mystery even (unless he was doing it too). 'Social dynamics' I believe is still very important, but leading players and commercial pickup outfits are all looking to evolve the seduction work that's been done and established. They're all looking for a new 'technology', something that gives them an edge over another guy. The thing about this is that it's not something you can just read in a book or have someone talk about it in a bootcamp or presentation and then just go in a club and do it. Basically it means you are more sexually attractive to females on a subconsious level. That's good for pickup, especially if your game is solid in other areas.

One pickup I did, the girl actually asked me in the club if I wanted to take her home and fuck her. I couldn't believe it, it was music to my ears to hear her say that, an d it's true. For any battle hardened PUA who's done 'their time' that's wonderful to hear.

See in the community all attraction theory is based on value (that's conveyed by behaviour - at least in club environments). YOU go into a club, you do this, you open you do x, y z based on how the set reacts.....etc. This is not the full picture. The community does understand the concept of state and sub-communication - but what is sub-communication - it's not based on scientific theory, it's an acknowledgement that communication is more that just what can be explained by physics.

A guy with a weak sexual charge is gonna find it hard to pull anything other than his own dick with even the greatest RSD/MM/BB learnt skills.

Attraction is not just based on behaviour.

and also there is a problem with the community in that it needs to understand that for ONS you need to fuck a girl really really well the first time - or she is gone.
This is where advanced yoga training really pays. If you can keep your erection at the hardest level you've ever experienced for as long as required for the girl to get full satisfaction, that girl is yours for a lot longer than the duration of the ONS.

in the holy book, Style says he fucks them for 10 minutes and that's it and they go to sleep, wtf?

there is this David Shade guy, but he is another ebook merchant and comes across like a creep

the trouble with esoteric yoga is the use of the word 'energy' in a non-scientific way.......

Remember our society is massively fucked up.

In London it's ok to pay an escort £200 ($400 per hour) to have your cock sucked and come in her beautiful mouth and coat her model teeth with your jizz, but if you approach a beautiful women on the street and talk to her, everyone will look at you like you are a pervert. A large component of approach anxiety is 'what will everyone think of me' if I approach. This social hypocrisy is something I always remember to help reduce AA.

I am glad to announce that I have succeed in seducing escorts now, without paying them shit - I'm packing it in though because it's too dangerous as they are all controlled by Russian maffia types - at least I did it without being killed, I can strike it off my list now and get rid of that SIM.

I'm not discouraging other guys from trying to do it, because it's the ultimate thrill and the satisfaction is immense. I guess I like difficult things. I worked out a methodology, I implemented it and it worked - at first I thought about writing an ebook on seducing escorts - I've changed my mind though. All I'll say is, if you can do it you should feel good about the achievement - I don't think I want to do any more escort seductions.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Badboy 2nd DVD from Carpe Diem - Dubious trailers

Previously I've given Badboy a lot of praise in my writing. I do think he is geniune in his claims, but I have to say that seeing his trailer for his new CD series and his recommended way of day game approach - well:

1) I would never do a day game approach like that. It's too confrontational. I'm not saying it doesn't work for him, but in my experience of picking up women, all over London (and I've been doing it from way before the seduction community has existed) this approach is of limited value unless you are in an incredibly high state - I'm doubtful many guys will have the conviction and belief that such a method requires. Badboy needs to understand that not everybody has been a teenage solder with the experience of fighting in the front lines, being shot and all the experiences he's had - he comes from a different perspective.

2) Badboy marketing - from the perspective of new customers who have not bought his products or services yet - he seems to offer nothing that indicates he's a human being. There's photos of him with hot babes and tonnes of advice given with great conviction, almost like he's like a god (the god of European style direct game). He shows no weakness at all.

My view is this - only guys who have suffered humiliation, embarressment, misery, unhappiness and wasted years with no girls in sight (apart from 6 inches away in magazines with the pages stuck together) will get good at this (and will teach well too). You have have to want it so bad you have to be almost willing to die for it. I have cried like a fucking baby over beautiful prick teasing babes I thought I stood a chance with but never did. Let's see Badboy crying, then we'll know he's just like us - or maybe he doesn't have to cry, but let's see a video of him fucking up an approach or evidence of AA hesitation and stale out.

I won't be buying Badboy's DVDs because it's against my rules about paying for pickup products, but I'm sure they'll be great, so I'd like to review them without seeing them. I think they deserve 5 stars (5 out of 5).

Monday, June 25, 2007

New Observations on Pickup in London

In the last 2 or 3 months, I've been spending an unprecedented amount of time gaming. As I said earlier, I don't consider this a game, because I'm fighting really hard to get where I want. BTW, don't take my attitude of treating this activity like life or death - it's not that helpful an attitude especially if you're in your first year, but for me this is deadly serious. When things don't go well, I take a step and back and get philosophical, which prevents me from killing myself.

I'm pretty observant and here are some observations that have really struck me as being significant:

1. On Saturday night (when I went out in the early hours of Sunday morning), I scanned the mainstream club scene and realised - WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT the mainstream West End clubs are in London - what a load of shit the guys are in particular - all identikit cocksuckers - a plain shirt, bullshit beckham hair, a regulation piece of jewellery like a chain or something. The girls must be getting tired of this. Now I know that looks count for nearly nothing in game, it's your mind that counts, but I can tell intuitively from quite a bit of club experience, both mainstream and alternative, that virtually all of these guys have really poor levels of game.

2. A guy with a Lamborghini Murcielago (with an Arab number plate). Leaves a club as most people are coming out. Like all clubs at that time, the social groups that have formed in the club huddle together outside, but this guy with his £190,000 car comes out of the club on his own gets in his car and leaves alone. As he starts the engine (which I remember vividly) because the Murcielago sounds like beast, he revs it almost in frustration, it sounds awesome and everyone looked as he drove off, but I could feel his anger. The guy may have learnt something, your car means NOTHING in pickup. It will not seal the deal. It will not work against you either, but I could feel what that guy was thinking 'here are all these beautiful girls all standing outside with guys who drive modified Fords and Nissan Skylines, and look my amazing car, why don't the girls come with me?' - Dude you need reprogramming. I've felt like this guy at times, not for exactly the same reason (as I don't have such exotic machinery), but I've felt the same way in that I have academic achievements, have worked in high profile companies earning six figures, am told so many complimentary things about myself and I've felt, so why the fuck can't I get some cheap hot mini-skirted girls like that - things are coming around for me. I've got to hang on for the ultimate experiences though. Can I hang on long enough?

3. SEX. If you extract a girl from a club for same night sex, you better be able to give her a good sexual experience, or something ATLEAST average. If you've spent a whole load of nervous energy gaming, then you're tired and a bit uncomfortable with a totally new girl that you've got to keep talking to and then take her home, if you're not experienced at macking, you can easily find your dick won't work, because of sheer nerves. Or, you can find because you've gone out on 'full tanks' when you get home, you're load is under a hair trigger. Then with a condom it's even worse. This side of the pickup scene just seems to be ignored by the main pickup schools (Badboy has some tips I hear in his workshop). Nobody else talks about it, people assume if you've extracted a girl out of club, you take her home and have mind blowing sex. This isn't true, unless a guy is experienced at this game and knows the pitfalls and is prepared and in some kind of sexual shape the sex is likely to be useless. The guy will still appear to be a stud to his peers though, because nobody knows any different. Why do you think some porn actors are so sought after? Not every guy can just go around and fuck new girls with 'reliability'. As you get into pickup, bear this in mind and be prepared mentally and physically.

4. The supply of new and good looking girls just seems to be endless. The club girls' demographic is changing; a large percentage of the girls I'm seeing in London clubs aren't English - even in alternative clubs - they aren't from the indigenous population (if that term has any meaning now). There are pros and cons to this, but it's significant, in that what you say to a girl in a conversation, you've got to allow for her level of ability with the language and adjust accordingly. Again, through countless interactions with women in the capital you can start to guage it - you can tell where she's from near enough and with her first sentence you know how conversant she is with English. Don't ask her where she's from though as an opener - it's lame. "Are you Polish? I have a Pole for you bitch."

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Monumental Paradigm Shift Has Occurred in My Headspace

My life is forever changed.

That was meant to sound positive, but I'm also getting a bit disheartened in that I'm realising that to be really good in pickup and get the kind of girls you really really want, it's like a full time job, in fact it's far more demanding than any job I've done. This is like 24/7, because you're either going out to do pickup, thinking about lessons you've learnt, keeping your place ready so that you can bring back girls for f-closes....

There is another way and I've been thinking about it for sometime. If 'what you do' is a natural magnet for hot girls then you can do pickup 'at work'. Now there's no fucking way on earth you're going to get babes lusting after you by virtue of your expert C++ knowledge is there? That's a shame, but it's the way it is unfortunately.

When I macked that rock chick, it was funny because one guy who got onstage and played the rhythm guitar for one song, thought he could impress that girl 'as he was in the band', but I couldn't give a shit, I just AMOGGED him and talked over him. Fuck you, this girl is mine and she came with me. Without sutff I'd learnt from the community I would never have done that. The victory was supremely satisfying.

Even after life changing successes, I think the game is still a hard game to play. I've got a few friends who help me during pickup sometimes now, so I'm no longer 'A London Pickup Artist Working Alone', but most of the time I still am. These friends of mine are absolutely unreliable and so I've still got to be able to do it on my own or I'm going to die of being unhappy from not getting what I want.

I'm thinking a bit about Buddhism 'desire is cause of all suffering' - so if I don't naturally desire beautiful babes I won't feel pain if I don't have them? but how can I do that? I think their philosophy is right but impossible to follow in practice.

I'm going out now, it's 1.22am my aim is mack girls from this club near oxford street (it's not a mainstream club). I'm not feeling like doing it, but I know I have no choice, I have to go out. It's called the game, but it doesn't feel that way to me - to me this a life or death activity - get beautiful girls or face the grim reaper.

Over and out, got to get ready now and then descend into the batcave to start up my car.


Monday, June 18, 2007

I got a great tanned rock chick!

I feel so proud of the achievement, because I've been to this club before and left alone. I felt a lot of pain then because I saw so many utter beauties. I get really angry when I see a girl that I think I deserve with someone else. I don't mean in a violent negative way, I mean more in self motivational way.

Once I almost did a full extraction in May in this place. In fact I saw that girl today and she said hello, but she wasn't much more than a 6. I got her out of the club, but she was drunk and I didn't do a proper job. This time I properly extracted a 7 - a great piece of work.

I'd like to tell guys who haven't got girls out of clubs for same night sex before:

Dudes, it's not impossible, you've got to go through a lot of crap and misery first though. You've got to feel frustration and confusion, you've got to go through the emotions of 'what the fuck to do I have to do to make this work'. Keep at it. Go out, fail, come home and think it out. Learn the lessons, work out how you would do better, and do it again. After each club visit, note all your feelings, look at some community forums (not too much though), internalise your revised actions. In your mind visualise new and past challenging situations and how you would react in the club. Just repeat this process and you will get there.

Remember, most guys will never get near a one night stand from a club. The famous 'one night stand', what a pervasive term from our popular culture that's been experienced by so few guys. Once you do one proper club extract for same night sex, something happens in your brain, new neural pathways are completed and you're no longer in the valley of darkness.

I laugh when I see Metallica's Frantic video - that's a dream for most guys. Thank god for me it's a reality gained through my own hard work and practice.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Getting sex from cold approaches is difficult

It was Tyler who first made a statement on those lines. In a previous post I said for most guys allow atleast a year of work. I'd like to revise this by saying that to get really good to the point where you are having sex with several new girls each month from cold approaches, allow atleast 2 years of solid transformation work.

I've recently been through a bad patch, where during the winter of 06/07 I had absolutely fucking nothing. I tried to analyse why this was; if it was the weather, had my mindset gone back to my AFC days, or what, I still don't know, but I was getting very dispondent.

From roundabout March/April this year, things picked up for me though and now they are pretty good. I do get fucked off with the seduction community sometimes when I see so much crap being put about just to get people to buy an ebook or take a bootcamp.

You will get more sex by spending that money on prostitutes - which I don't recommend. To get good, you have to suffer first, you need to feel the pain of mistakes, embarressment and all kinds of shit. These bootcamps can't give you that pain, because it's an artificially created and cushioned environment. Try this test. Take a bootcamp and get high on it. Next week go out on your own and feel the fear as you walk into a club. Now the bootcamp doesn't count.

Here's an interesting observation though; prostitution is flourishing in London which has the world's highest rates for paid sex - it's fed mainly by guys who can't get sex from girls, like IT contractors who don't mind spending £300 for a pathetic 1 hour with a girl. Many of these escorts girls are real beauties. I said to myself, 'this is fucked up, I've got all this money, all this education, all these compliments, all this status and I can't even have a girlfriend as good looking as a fucking London whore'. Something has gone wrong here. I came up with this self observation years ago and decided to do something about it.

I said to myself I'm going to fight like a dog and die, but I'm not paying for sex. Over about 2 years my DNA has changed. Several times I've been in agony over lost opportunities and mistakes, but I think I'm nearly at where I want to be, or I get that feeling, but perhaps I haven't made it yet, because I still haven't had an exotic dancer.

My goal is to get one of these girls, have her bend over the back of my folded Japanese futon bed, whilst she's wearing platform heels in her work clothes, then whilst caressing her tanned waist, bang the fucking crap out of her and make her moan with pleasure. This is not a fantasy, I'm working towards this goal, methodically and patiently, using my instinct and engineering background to guide me. This week I had 2 girls numbers from top London clubs and both flaked on me, though I chatted with one girl on the phone and texted her and got reasonable responses. To get those numbers was a huge achievement and I feel good about it, because I know most paying creeps wouldn't have got anywhere near a number, BUT I feel let down in that my method is not bringing the proper results. My stripper method IS quite complex, when I walk into a strip club, there's so much you've got to remember, I feel like I am taking my degree exams, only they were far easier than this.

When I came out of the club, a pimp taxi driver asked me if I wanted women (basically he was an scumbag agent for over priced London whore houses with model quality girls). With great pride I told him to get lost, I got a strippers numbers without paying for drinks, dances or anthing. He said your number won't work. I felt like punching him, but I just walked off glowing with inner satisfaction from my number close.

I had my first air hostess this year and it was a amazing pickup and seduction, it made me so happy, took me days to come back to earth.

I have a list of stuff to do - including beautiful gothic bitches, rock chics - oh and 'posh unapproachable girls' (there was progress there last week). Going to a Camden now.

To those following a similar path to me - we know we are right.

Friday, November 03, 2006

How long does it take to learn how to pickup women and fuck them?

Well, it depends on many factors, but first let us define what we are talking about here:

What we are talking about is the ability to consistently and systematically, pickup, seduce and have sex with women who you have not met or seen before - EVER, who are not in your social circle or not acquaintances of people you know.

The time required is primarily a function of your current level of ability, or rather it's inversely proportional - obviously.

For most guys though, you are looking at atleast a year's worth of work minimum - there are no shortcuts.

When you get into the seduction scene, you begin to see 'just how deep the rabbit hole goes' – slowly your eyelids are peeled back and then it dawns on you; the full extent of your societal programming. You start to see just how badly your mind has been destroyed by society in it's capacity to guide you to finding satisfaction in attaining the women you really want – for whatever you want do with them.

Let's also say what we are NOT talking about. If you have had an attractive girlfriend/partner/wife previously, or even if you have had several, that's not what we are talking about here. Getting into a relationship through normal social circles, work contacts, etc. That doesn't make you a pickup artist and it says almost nothing about your ability to seduce women.

If you can spot a beautiful looking girl on the street and get her into your car, get her phone number, 'take her out' instantly and may be later do her (perhaps on the same day) - if you can do that - that makes you a pickup artist. Though of course that's just one example; the point I'm making is that as a pickup artist you are able to win women with no 'social crutches' to help you at all, ie. cases where she is a friend of your friend, or you've been introduced - or she's in your team at work - that's too easy - they're gift situations that fall into your lap.

Those are situations where 'you got lucky' and they don't count. Of course it adds to your experience of women and that's a good thing, though the skills you acquire as a PUA will allow you to annihilate the competition in those kinds of 'normal' situations, (should you decide to pursue them). If you haven't been into the seduction community before, accept humility because you don't know fucking anything. Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for the biggest revolution in your life.


....AND....there is a point to all this. There is a strong reason, why some are so captivated by this underground movement (though it's not underground anymore now). Detractors would cite that this is all about bragging to your friends, clocking up meaningless numbers etc. THAT'S NOT THE POINT. (it's true that numbers will send your self esteem through the roof, but)


YOU have the ability to get the kind of girl you want - you are no longer in the shackles that society has placed you in - the straight jacket is removed and you are liberated in your biological desire for women:

My looks are average - I can't have a stunning looking girl
I don't have much money - I can't hope to have a wealthy posh girl
I am x years old - therefore the only girls I could get would be x-5 to x+2 years old
Well, I can't go to nightclubs anymore so how can I pickup models?
I have no fucking hair - it's just impossible, because I want a blonde porn queen
My job isn't high status enough

The above are just a few of the socially conditioned axioms of your mind that have lead to your debility in picking up women.

big article to write.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Seducing Model Quality Escorts - Without Paying Them

This has been a side project of mine for a while now.

Anbody with an ounce of testosterone in their blood would not have failed to notice the proliferation of escort agency websites - specifically escort agencies catering for the capital. This is not a recent development, but it's just mushroomed to the point where it is out of control - you can barely keep track of new sites and new stunning girls. The amount of money piped into the economies of Eastern Europe by these girls in London - it's significant.

Most community guys would rate many of these women as SHB9s and 10s if spotted in a club environment or in any day time situation.

I've been trying to put together a methodology to crack this.

I saw this girl on a site and if the photos were to believed and the stats were accurate, she was Russian about 5'8" without heels, awesome body - off the scale, probably 20 years old absolute max.

Using a non traceable SIM card I called the agency, went to see her. The photos were to be believed - just believe me. Lookswise - inspirational, also had a light golden tan too. She was wearing these beautiful heels, not stripper heels, but much classier, may have been Manolos even. She opened the door, wearing nothing but her shoes, bra and panties - just amazing.

Basically, within about 15 minutes, I walked into her smart apartment in Earls Court. French kissed her several times, held her hands, fondled her waist and butt, got her into a high energy state, got her personal mobile number, convinced her we're going to go clubbing together after she's finished fucking her clients, then left without paying. She seemed excited and happy that it wasn't just another paying creep coming to fuck her for £300 per hour.

I didn't call her, I've got more 'system testing' to do to first, make sure things work on other girls and check the flake out rate etc.

Do I really need her? - No. Would I want her as a proper girlfriend? Probably not, but the thrill of seducing someone who looks like a catwalk model at high speed, who wouldn't give you the time of day unless you pay her, just captivating her and walking out, it's really good.

I would take her clubbing though, then I'd take her home and make her my 'girlfriend' for the night.

I'm trying to push the limits of what's possible. Nobody has to believe me.

(actually I lied, she doesn't just look like a model, but she is one)

Monday, September 18, 2006

'I know kung fu'

'show me'

I don't have lines or anything anyone can detect. That's the great thing. It's all in your mind and body.

.... to write

Monday, August 28, 2006

Loveable JGirl approaches me during Notting Hill Carnival - I feel inspired once more.

she's funny and cuddly - just wonderful.

Her English is fucking crap - but that's half the fun - communicating. She's a fashion student or designer.

Well, any good looking girl that approaches me with a question is dead meat. May be she was a girl pickup artist? I should have said "Girl, I am a pickup artist too! This is divine providence, we were made for each other.".

Her opener was appalling, but I liked her look, so I played along. Who closed who here?

Fully close with a nice trip, kiss, phone, email close. In fact she asked for my email address first before I asked for anything.

How nice it is to not have to approach for a change. This has happened to me before. I put this down to the extensive energy work I did in the morning, which allows me to attract girls without talking.

I admit that sex here or any kind of day2 is virtually impossible. She's going back in a day. I pushed hard to get her back to my place - but I got more than pre-LMR.
I've made a lovely friend though.

Edit test

LondonPUA's patented DBP (Drive-by Pickup) technique

E-book to write - only kiddling!

Software is like sex - it's better when it's free.

All Pickup Products can be thought of as software.

But I will describe the techniques for free so others can follow in the tracks of my Toyo's.

Nobody does Drive-by better than me.

The car you drive is irrelevant, however you must be able to drive it well and feel good about driving it. If your car is a piece of shit, if you really like it, that's all that matters.


If anybody out there has a Enzo/F60, get in touch, because I can make better use of it than you in this game - I will show you what your machinery is capable of achieving.

I tailed an Enzo down the A40 once - when it went under Hanger Lane - the sound was incredible through the tunnel - any girl would just get wet.

Mmmm...I've just deleted that last post I made when I was feeling massively pissed off

, as I think it was not instructive to anybody - may be even misleading. Let me replace it with this. In the face of adversity - apply all your intelligence and persistence to the problem - may be I'll put it up again re-written to accurately convey my experience that night and what I was really trying to say.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I am taking a break for a few days...

...about 3 days atleast probably.

No more pickup for a while. Like body builders who only grow when they rest, I need some time off to think about things. As I said before, a good pickup artist is on top of his life in all areas. Like Fred Durst says in a Limp Bizkit song "better stay on top or life will kick you in the ass".

I will get round to sorting out this template, re-write the half written scraps and make it all proper. Please forgive my half finished sentences and typos. I write only when I feel like it, when I feel I need to express something badly - which creates unfinished works - sorry.

Been listening to a Ross Jeffries interview. I must say I've got respect for this guy, eventhough his target audience is a bit different to Mystery/Badboy. I've decided this Ross dude is pretty cool. I like his current add on www.seduction.com but he should have used better looking models, and may be he should have had a picture of a model sucking his dick - to make his claims more authentic.

During this break, I've had another mindtrip, one that I have had before. The opportunity for picking up women in London is fucking mind expanding dude. Everytype of fucking pussy you could ever wish for is right here, infront of you everyday. The only limitation is your own daring, your mind and energy.

My list of bitches in my smartphone is getting big now. If anyone wants to write that Bitch Management System application I'll be happy to spec it out, but I can't be fucked to code it. I want to be banging beautiful bitches, not coding.

"Only those who dare to fail greatly, can achieve greatly"
(FS quoting JFK)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

One of my worst approaches, a total disaster - blown out bad

I’m glad this happened, because I need to analyse the mistakes to make sure they don't happen again.

The target was very attractive - I'd say late 20's early 30's max. She had a Eurasian look.

This girl was a label tart - and she had serious attitude - I'm not saying an attitude problem, but she was hard work. With this kind of target you can't fuck up your approach or do anything wrong internally with your mind or externally with your actions - or you are just going to get annihilated.

Well that's what happened, and for about 15 - 30 minutes I was quite fazed afterwards. Then I was back to normal.

I think Mystery could have pulled this woman, I think he would have liked her too. I'm gonna call her Mystery's babe.

This deserves some detail ... for later.

Close a girl who says she's 17

Does age matter?

Of course it does, she is likely to have a tighter pussy at that age.

Now this was a really unusual pickup - ..... I'll say why later.

Often I say to myself, I'm not going to try anything now, I need some peace for a while, I don't want to pickup any girls now, then I see something that's too damn interesting to say 'pass' to and just go for it. This is what happened here.

I wouldn't say this was a 'pickup'. I mean I didn't take the girl anywhere after closing her. She did invite me to a gig with her friends, but I said no - I don't want to appear to be easy:)

What happened here, is that I am extremely knowledgeable about the music she is into. She was just amazed the way I could talk to her about 'her music' demonstrating amazing breadth and depth of her fave stuff- we just gelled really well. Also I told her 'look I'm not trying to pick you up or anything' :) , which made her comfortable I suppose (then we swapped phone numbers at the end lol )

We merely just talked and built up a great rapport, then I number closed her and left. I was suprised when she said she is 17, but I don't care. I think she could be an interesting friend, we could just swap mp3s if that's all she wants.

It was a good power trip when I closed her though, I must admit when I drove away I did wonder what it must be like to fuck her, but I'm not sure I want to.

You see a good pickup artist knows that such girls have value, in that they can be doors to another world of opportunity. For example, if she doesn't want to be one of my girls, we can just go to clubs together and she can help me get other girls - Ask Mystery about that one.

Friday, August 11, 2006

I picked up a classical Japanese beauty on Charing Cross Road

It's late at night, a Tuesday I remember - but a hot and sultry night. Must have been past midnight or thereabouts, I can't remember.

This pickup happened last month. I am not trying to log all the pickups I've done, all the approaches, the successes, the failures. I just simply delve into my rich array of experiences when I feel like saying something that I think someone may benefit from. Sometimes I just post something to remind myself how great or insightful some moment was in my pickup life.

Hungry for new excitement and thrills I was searching round some of the cooler and not so cool parts of the West End. My plan was to actually to go to specific clubs and try and pickup babes and get them back to my place the same night - proper full extractions in community language.

However when searching round the immediate vacinities of some of the clubs I had shortlisted, I was dumbstruck at the quality of women just walking around the West End at night - may be going to clubs - may be going home - looking to meet up with friends - whatever.

I thought to myself - think of your ability - think of your achievements as a pickup artist, picking girls off the streets, in shops - bookshops, planes .... - the people all around me these beautiful women don't know what I can do - use your skills now - forget the clubs - it's more thrilling to surrender to the immediacy of your desires - move in for the kill now - wherever they are.

It took a few minutes to get in the right mental state, but the inspiration of exotic female form all around me quickly focused my life force into a formidable pickup machine.

There was a bus stop outside Foyle's book shop. A classical looking traditional Japanese girl, shy and submissive looking, stands at the bus stop, with other people also waiting for the bus. She moves around a bit and then steps back a few paces. She leans against the glass of Foyles bookshop and sticks her ipod fontopia headphones in her ears.

I move in for the approach and just start talking to her. My opener is crap, but the quality of energy I bring to this pickup does the trick ".... hi, you're Japanese aren't you" . She pulls out her headphones and responds - affirmatively and a bit nervously with a 'yes'.

I try to be friendly and normal, not trying to go overt with seduction. I like Japanese things - especially their women - I already have 1 Jgirl in my gang, but a new one is always welcome. I tell her about my other Japanese girl, as if she is just my friend. We talk about respect for authority, what she does for a living, where we live - I joke with her and talk a few Japanese phrases I've picked up from my other girls I've picked up. It turns out she is a waitress working in the City - but she hates it and hates men in grey boring suits too.

It turns out she lives about 5 minutes from me. Being such a shining white knight, I offer to give her a lift home in my expensive sports car (I refer to it as just a car to her with no hint of ostentation). She is wary though about just getting into a car with a guy at night, she has just met 10/15 minutes ago! Sensible girl. Her bus still hasn't arrived, so I don't bail out yet, I decided I can win her over with a bit more work. I brush aside her rejection to come with me in my car and just carry on working on her.

I continue building rapport with this girl, making her laugh and smile with jokes, observations about British vs. Japanese society, work ethics, and my interesting lifestyle. When her eyes light up again with some comment I made that she liked, I struck again - "come on, it will be quicker with me, I'll drop you anywhere you want" - I start walking away - THIS TIME SHE FOLLOWS ME! - job done.

My car is about 2 minutes away. When she sees my car - she is impressed, but note that's not the thing that won her over - that car is just the icing on the cake. This girl reminds me of girls that boring Japanese salarymen lust after, buy panties from and love to use and abuse in depravity and Manga comics (not that I'm into that stuff, but I've seen the images). I don't think most guys would like her looks, but I appreciate her.

We have a great conversation. I make her feel safe and reassured. I drop her home and of course get her phone number at the end - text book stuff.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Today I prepared that Thai cutie for eventual pickup

I went there and prepared her by getting her attracted to me, by telling stuff about me to get her into me - flipping the right attraction switches. Stuff about how interesting I am - which is true! I am the most interesting person ever I think. I mean I know so much as well - I suprise myself even. I have told her about my trip to Singapore.

She is just starting to warm up now. Another few days and I'm gonna play my ace card then she'll be easy to pick her up and carry her away with me. I've created firm foundations for this seduction; being friendly and social to her other regulars in the shop, making her laugh and smile for me.

I am motivated by the thought of pushing my dick deep into her fabulous sexy bottom. Those jeans she wears - man this is gonna be good. She wears little makeup, almost in a dumb AFC way I was about to blow it and say she had beautiful lips - luckily I stopped myself. She is so sweet and innocent and loveable - I can't wait to sleep with her. I usually don't make predictive posts - stuff that's wishful thinking, I will allow it in this case only though.

My sense of vibe I get when talking to a girl however has got so good, I know when the battle's won. I bet this girls day to day life is so dull - I am going to fill her with excitement. She would make a wonderful girlfriend I'm sure, but I would turn her on to stripper heels and other great stuff to wear during the day to make her revel in her sexuality, and make other guys pant like dogs when they see her. Once in a while it's healthy to dream about a girl and allow your mind to think ahead and wander - the inspiration later carries you on through to greater heights in enjoying women that you thought could never be achieved. So dream a little bit - but only a little - then get on with it and do it.

This vibe I talk of, if you keep practicing talking to and opening women, following the advice of the great minds in pickup, you will develop this sense of vibe I swear. It's like magic barometer - you know what's going down next - you know when you've got her.

No more predictive posts.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Some RSD dude says...

the strongest frame wins - or words to that effect. I won't write verbatim as they like sueing people.

He also goes onto say, that if you go in with your opener feeling like the opener ain't gonna cut it. You will fail.

Say you go in with the following opener to a stunning club girl.

"Girl I want you to suck my dick so bad" - That isn't an opener I would advise anyone ever trying unless they just want to see her reaction.

If said in the right way, by a guy who believes he can make it work (probably in a funny way), this could work.

If you went in thinking "this is stupid" you won't say it right and will blown out (but not in the way you asked for :))

Sunday, August 06, 2006

There are no failures - only experiences - Learning to be philosophical

I read this somewhere, I'm not sure if it's a Mystery quote or not. This is another one of those mind trip moments, where when you truly understand this statement, it feels so great and liberating.

I also read "EVERY FAILURE/REJECTION WAS A BRICK IN MY PALACE". This is so true I can't praise whoever said it enough.

Today was a nice day - another watershed in my development as a pickup artist - where I just floated around and effortlessly opened and picked up women all over the place.

This game is the true sport of kings - of that I'm convinced. The skills I have and the knowledge I learned will serve me well for the rest of my life however long or short that turns out to be.

The thing about the THE GAME is it is the most natural thing in the world. The people who started the community, we owe them a great debt, because they created a movement where there was a road map fulfilling our most fundamental biologically necessary desires.

Those outside the community just muddle along, stiffled and somehow make do. What a terrible life that must be. You just muddle along, confused, in the dark, suppressed - unhappy. I'm so glad I got into this.

This game encompasses my true nature, there is nothing I could ever want more than to have fabulous women in my life on merit. That's what I want - and the 'on merit' bit is VERY important to me. I want to win babes, I don't want them to fall into my lap by some random act of luck. The satisfaction of winning a women yourself gives you amazing confidence that permeates all areas of your life.

I detest shit like dating agencies online shit and such crap - I am vehemently opposed to that.

The game is not easy - especially for newcomers, success comes in dribs and drabs, but over time it does get easier, so stick with it. Though sometimes the game is not easy, you need to be philosophical and accept the outcomes. If you messed up or somehow a girl didn't take the bate, you have to accept, you did your thing, and that was the result. If you can accept it you can get better - so learn to accept your results and appreciate them - this way you will reach your goal. Sometimes if things didn't work out, you say "she is a bitch away, or a lesbian". I have felt like this at times, but the real truth in these circumstances is that I didn't do it right. From accepting this I can then learn, then I become a master.

You learn how to deal with women, you learn how to call them, you learn how to sense when they're giving you crap, you learn how to get rid of them, you get effective, you get over disappointments you keep you're eye on the money, you get results.

For me personally, everytime I see any guy with the type of babe I would personally want to have - it fills me such energy and motivation i feel so alive. I feel sometimes like running up to the guy and bashing his head in, and just taking his girl away. I know that feeling - it is a feeling of heartache, but that's why I got into this. Because I deserve women like that.

I have waited a long time for the kind of women I deserve. I rather die than accept anything less.

I have become so sharp at dealing with women now, it becomes a pleasure - a pleasant distraction during the day, to call girls I know. To people outside the game, the clueless fucks outside (let's call them CFOs - not chief financial officer) if they are fortunate enough to get a phone number or something - they get nervous - in a previous life I have known this feeling. I am different person now, it really feels like A GAME - THE GAME. As Badboy says "you will start to like this game" - Yeah Badboy, I am starting to like it.

Though the game is not always easy (especially for newbies), it is always thought provoking, and always tells you things about yourself. What a great game this is.

On one other point. Style says in a promo audio for his annihilation method (which I know nothing about), that when he goes to a club or social place - he just sees the matrix, the codes floating infront of him, he has got to such a high level - that must be a good place to be Neil.

So, there is scope for improvement then.

The top people in this game are the new master race.

Girls looking for orbiters

Everyone in the pickup world knows what an orbiter is. Those outside the community don't know what this means but they probably sure as hell have experienced it first hand. An explanation of the term is not what this short treatise on the subject is about.

Once you know a girl is lining you up to be an orbiter - there is only one course of action. Cut her off from you completely. Fuck her (unfortunately you can't do that literally), you don't need her anymore. Show some self respect - no girl's looks are worth more than your own dignity.

I got into a situation recently where I thought I'd demonstated pretty good value to this girl to make her attracted to me. At first it appeared so, I mean she called me, she took my calls to her, she sent me flirtatious text messages on so on. I was wary of her bullshit though, so fearing she may want an orbiter, I pushed her hard to meet me, the way she responded it became clear I what she was after. As soon as I sussed it, I basically stopped chasing her. It appeared she was grooming me to continuously validate her. I took me a while to figure it out, and I was always wary of this possibility

Now in these kind of situations Mystery or Tyler may advocate, breaking away from her, then opening communication again after a while showing massively higher value, you other chicks etc.
The world is full of nice guys who don't how the fuck women operate. IF ONLY THEY KNEW.

As a man, when you see a girl who just makes you cry she's so beautiful, you want her so bad, if you are not in the community the chances are you will become a fucking orbiter. It's such a shame, good looking women are naturals at creating orbiters in their life and because the community is such a far out thing that not many people know of, the male population is full of orbiters who think they have a chance. Wake dudes - don't take this shit.

We know better
There was a girl I picked up, that I thought that

This Malaysian escort whore I picked up. I figured she didn't need anymore validation from guys. I mean if people are paying her £1000 a night so they can sleep with her or a minimun of £150 per hour, in terms of her physical attractiveness she's getting serious validation.

It's about a rule I've formulated. The rule is this - once you've done you're pickup, assuming your close wasn't an f-close. You then move into a different phase. To real pickup artists getting numbers is not a big deal at all.

I say push the girl

Friday, August 04, 2006

The information we teach at RSD is so powerful, so
universally applicable, that it transcends age, wealth and

This was recently sent out in an RSD newsletter. I would say that this is the case for
all the serious outfits in the comm. providing you go out and do your stuff

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Chick crack, Jewellery and props - pua equipment

I have a funny thing to say about some specific types of chick crack.

There is great quote from Ross Jeffries...

Now I also think this is all shit like him, but funnily enough after I've learnt some of this stuff I ain't so fucking sure anymore dudes.

Some of it is really interesting - especially the Viking rune stones. This is serious shit man. I mean I get into it to pickup women and fuck them - so I learn it, rehearse how I'm gonna use it on them - then I start to find that this stuff is really quite amazing and actually might have some uses for myself in areas totally unrelated pickup.

I would say try the Viking Rune stones, get yourself a set - it's a fuck sight easier than Tarot Cards - which I'm not sure I want to get into - we'll see. If it can get you a relationship of sex with a girl that you really want it is surely worth it.

I mean for Scandinavian bitches it would be fucking ideal. I had a Swedish bitch once, I'm gonna call her up to practice on her.

I think it's good to know more than palm reading.

I bought a small book on dream interpretation - can't be fucked to read it though.

Ah fuck it, this is all getting a bit too crazy.

Does anyone know about this I Ching shit - this would be ideal for oriental women surely.

Looks? Am I good looking? Tyler

Well anybody who makes comments about the quality of their own looks to other people is obviously lacking something themselves.

I never talk about my looks. I never say anything positive or negative on the subject.

If you must know, other people have said embarressingly complimentary things about my looks, many times unfortunately. Why do I find this unfortunate?

Well, I've found these compliments difficult to take, especially earlier in my life, when I just couldn't figure out, 'well if that is the case, why aren't I getting girls' - or rather the kind of girls I want?

I think I'm a good social observer, I constantly look appraise and categorise people. (particularly with regard to music culture). I can tell what was the last piece of music somebody paid money for just by looking at them. Whenever I see a beautiful girl/woman with somebody, I ALWAYS try to figure out what could have made that female attracted to that male.

Ahhh - the ignorance of the world outside this community - it's such a joke. When you understand that looks aren't what creates a womans attraction for a man, it becomes so much easier, but we live in a society which is not giving us that message - it's giving the wrong message. Well fuck society, we in the community know better.

The thing about this is that it's so ingrained in the human male mind it's difficult to comment out that bit of code you know. As a guy your initial attraction towards women is almost totally looks based - plus after the initial 'sighting' it's still the biggest factor - So we extrapolate a women's attraction for us follows the same basis. We then infer that if we don't look as good as she is beautiful, we are not worthy, not a suitably match or have no fucking chance. Then the hotter the target we think somehow the more worthy we've got to be - this is more internal mind fuck shit that society has spoon fed you all your life. All shit Matrix shit as Badboy has said.

I think the community can be thought of us the first group of pioneers to break out of the matrix, in the field of male female interaction - if you want to use Badboy's analogy. May be he doesn't use the anology like this, I dunno, I hope I'm not doing him a disservice by misunderstanding him.

Think of all the examples of beautiful women you've seen with people who to your mind don't look good or look like assholes. I'm sure that's a big number.

I decided to write this post about the subject of looks as I was out and about today doing some sarging, but mainly to go and see a previous girl of mine who is into mystical shit - she's a Jgirl.

I was a few yards away from where my Jgirl works, when a plain tall rather Germanic looking student type girl stops me in streets and says, she likes the way I look and wants to take my photo. She is a photography student from Switzerland (I guessed Zurich correctly, which she thought was great), with a very expensive piece of medium format camera gear.

She makes me stand against a plain white backdrop like you see in fashion magazines where the clothes are the focus not the model. Then her assistant takes a light meter reading of me, she's using day light flash. Infact her assistant takes 3 light meter readings of me, and she photographs me 3 times once after each reading. This is about the coolest 'proof' you can have, because it's right outside a trendy bar packed trendy hotbabes and hopeful AFCs who are fucking clueless what to do.

One of my AFC friends, pre-community who is seriously into fucking whores on a frighteningly regular basis, says that when we hang out, he notices women looking at me in a way that looks like they are attracted to me without me having spoken to them. I never told him how I do this, I don't think I'm gonna tell anyone, not the even the community, because I don't think they will get it and they will find the techniques too fucking difficult anyway.

One day I might reveal this technique (for free as I don't want to become a cock sucking ebook merchant) -you might die in training though because it is HARD.

She is cool, of course I number close her immediately! I mean how could I NOT DO THAT in a situation like this?I get her email as well. I have already decided that I want to have sex with her, in particular doggy. She is not typically good looking, but well, plain and really...well, nice in nice way.

After compliment of my looks like this, I go to buy some shit and notice an awesome European glamour model type girl standing right next to me! Is she attracted to my looks - OF COURSE NOT.

WHAT SHE is attracted to is the energy state I project from my confidence. I look just like yesterday. SO I WILL say it again - it ain't your looks dude, it's the state you project.

Here's a great statement from Tyler, when he's speaking to a conference of AFCs/RAFCs/PUAs (presumably)

"You put me in anyone of your bodies, and I will pull. You put me in any one of your income brackets, I will pull".

He says it with the convinction of a man who believes in what he says. This guy is the real fucking deal, I have no doubt about it. I don't have to see him to know.

Style says that about Mystery in the book, but you can say that about Tyler too and I've just said it. Just because Tyler is a former of Mystery student, doesn't diminish the value of what Tyler says and teaches. Just because Tyler gets a shitty deal in the book, don't think you can't learn from him. Keep your mind open, keep learning from everyone and everything you see, everyday.

Personally I think they're both great people and hope they go onto to even greater heights.

How to seduce awesome looking London Escorts

I pity the clueless fucks outside the community who pay these women £150/£200/£300+ or whatever an hour.

This is work in progress I've always known that this field could be cracked wide open (puns definetely intended). In the past before I knew about the community I new there was a way. I've come close.

Right now I'm working on an awesome Malaysian girl. I won't post the link to her photos, but they are on the web and they are good enough to wank off over - especially if you can't control your sexual energy - which is the case for everyone you hasn't mastered the Tao of Love.

Many I've got these girls personal numbers, I've called her a few times and tried to get her to come out with me for free. I've detected agreement in her part to come with me.

I'm going to fuck the living shit out of this girl out of this girl and make her mine, without paying her fucking anything.

I am ready for the challenge, a challenge which to those outside the community would seem impossibly ridiculous.

I think Mystery has cracked this one. He does a seminar called 'Strippers and Hired Guns' - I think I know what hired guns means.

I'm going to enjoy walking around certain places in London with my arms around her and my hand over her sexy butt, when she's wearing beautiful strappy heels showing of her tanned legs and perfect feet.

I am going to get great satisfaction from this.

This girl does EVERYTHING, you can fuck her arse, come in her mouth, on her face, piss on her, the list goes on. When you see how beautiful she looks you will freak out.

To get this for free, it's the satisfaction of knowing you did what other people have to pay for. I motivated by winning

Are you ready for the challenge, says Mystery in his free audo - YES I AM DUDE

the lay report will follow

Today she called me. I told her all her customers don't care about her. She had somebody coming to fuck her in 15 minutes so I couldn't get her out then. Watch this space.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Desire versus Desperation

IMO, infact not even IMO, having a strong desire to seduce women is a world apart from desperately wanting women.

Take two dudes, both have no women, no phone numbers, no pickup score, no nothin'

Type A)
Is not in the community, he may have heard of it, but thinks it's pathetic, he dreams and thinks of women he wants all the time.

Type B)
In the community, learns and practices in the field, but no results yet.

Type A is desperate, because he lacks the desire necessary to spur him into action.

Type B is not happy yet, but because he has immersed himself wholeheartedly in action, which is a manifestation of his desire for results, he will feel no desperation if he continues on this path.

Virtually the entire male population outside the community is desperate, with hardly any exceptions. It is irrelevant whether they are married or with an attractive girlfriend or have had many women in their lives before.

It is irrelevant because they cannot reproduce their results on any women they want. They have no avenue for achieving that, therefore they are desperate.

You may not understand this reasoning, because you are thick.

Friday, July 21, 2006

We are living in exiting times - The Time of Social Engineering - About Openers Again

That's what the game is I think. When i feel really out of the matrix now, I feel a special power which other people don't have because they are still plugged in (obviously I don't mean the community). When an attractive women appears, I sometimes observe other guys to see how they react. You can tell someone who ain't into this. You see how fucked up the entire male population is. Fucking useless.

For those who pursue the game with determination and patience I swear who will see changes in the way you think. You will have some great revelations when it finally clicks how this shit works.

Say you were an AFC/RAFC and you get some success with closes of attractive women on your scale. Do not think that AA is gone forever. It's a long battle to defeat AA, it takes a long fucking time. Sometimes you might close an HB - do not think "yeah now I'm the man - i've got it sussed" - you're on your way for sure, but it takes time.

Sometimes after a success you think "great I am now at this level and it can only get better" - generally this is a valid thought, but don't fall into the trap of fearing other approaches of HBs because if you didn't pull the next one it will some how bring back from cloud 9 - and shatter you illusory state of masterfulness.

I've never been to a workshop, but I would say this: There is no fucking way in 3 days you are going to get the nuances of how openers lead to success sometimes and other times lead to crash and burn. It takes time, longer. You have to keep opening women every fucking where.

One day it will all make sense. You start to develop a sixth sense. As you keep opening women all over the fucking place, you start to understand that the woman is almost irrelevant. The success /failure is totally within you and how you do it. You start to feel and get a vibe, you know what's going down before you've opened your mouth to speak to her. Without consciously thinking you have seen the outcome of the sarge before you've done it.

People can talk about tonality, body language, delivery etc as all the main schools do. I would say it's that AND totally about your mental state and how favourable that is at the time.

When you open and you don't do it right - you actually subconsiously knew you had failed before you did it. It's good you tried because this experience will grow and grow, then you will see the light. I don't know when this will be for you. Mystery says 3 years to become a top Venusian artist.

The thing is, there are no limits to this game. That's what makes it interesting. There are only higher and higher levels of accomplishment. All PUAs have limitations, it's just that Mystery's or Badboy's are probably less than yours or mine, but I'm sure they can always find a situation that pushes their ability.

Hear's a quote from Ayrton Senna before he died in San Marino 94:

"With your mind power, spirit, determination and instinct as well, you can fly very high."

Then he talks about his great laps around Monaco. He says,this:

"On a given day, a given circumstance, you think - ok, this is the limit. Then you push for that limit, and you touch that limit. When you touch that limit, something happens and you can go faster still."

That's how it is with The Game.

Btw hanging out in the south of France also developed my taste for beautiful women. Infact the best concentration of top pussy I've ever seen has been in Monaco and Cannes

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Targeting - FMAC

I call the F for find T for targeting.

Targeting is overlooked as a skill because people think it doesn't require anything of you. I think this is

You have to decide what kind of girls you want. Really think about it.

I don't bother with substandard girls that I don't like the look of. This view is the result of my own personal success. That's what success does, you look at a girl in any situation, say a 7 and think, how many times have I succeeded in picking up a women of that calibre. In my case the answer is a high number, so I say to myself, why do I have to waste my time and energy (yes pickup takes plenty of that) on her, who am I trying to prove myself to.

The only time I will bother with girls that do not look stunning to my eyes are when I am doing warmups and practice. In club situations taking to average looking girls can be useful, but there's no way I'm aiming to stick my dick in them.

The best opener is your own fucking opener

Now that the community is getting more and more mainstream attention this becomes more important - you will look like a real prick if you go and blurt out the same sentence that some other guy has just done on a set which shot him down.

I never feel congruent delivering somebody else's shit. I could put effort into practicing the delivery a bit before I go out and use it, but I'd rather invest that effort in creating my own material, that I know hasn't been used out in the field (to the best of my knowledge).

The way you do it is like this. Before you go to sleep; imagine a club situation you've been in before (especially b4 you knew about the community). Imagine an opportunity you passed by 'cause you didn't know what to say/approach anxiety etc.

Now take 10 minutes to think of something to say to her. Your idea may be crap, but note it down anyway. If your idea was crap or you couldn't really think of anything to say, in the morning a new idea will arise in your mind. It's how the subconscious mind works. Note it down.

Now keep doing this regularly and build up your own material over days. Memorise it - that's it you've got a something now.

Your openers are just a crutches to assist you whilst you improve. It's a bit like your mind is saying "I need a fucking opener to repeat verbatim because I am so fucking nervous I couldn't initiate a conversation by any other means".

Later on you find that you can think of something to say on the spot in any situation. When out and about you will see lots of women around you that you have no interest in. For any situation keep thinking of openers, to practice your skills. You don't have to actually open them.

I don't go by the 3 second rule. I understand the importance of not staling out a target, but I create my own rules according to my observations. If I force myself to 3 second rule and then go and mutter some crap that doesn't cut it, then you've wasted the opportunity.

Do it this way. Locate your target, if you're not sure what to fucking say, immediately remove yourself from the target's visual contact vacinity and have a think. That way you will not stale her out. You run the risk of analysis paralysis if you still a beginner, but I prefer doing it like this if I am hesitating with AA.

As you get good and you start to observe a high close rate in your approaches, you suddenly realise, that the opener could have been any old crap - it didn't really matter. It's just if the opener is something natural to say to someone you will less nervous delivering it, because you will feel 'it doesn't look like I'm trying to pull her if I say this'. As I said later on you can be more upfront in your intentions and get away with saying any old shit, because your successes will give you the necessary confidence.

I have never bought any pickup products, but if somebody wants to give me some good canned material to look at (like MM stories to demonstrate value), I'll look at it and have a think if I could use

From what I know I would say that from the main schools of thought, Badboy's way of doing things is closest to my own natural game (in terms of the beginning of an approach). Then I would say Mysterys' stuff is perhaps closer to my

Before I got into the community, I pulled off some awesome street closes/instant dates/full extractions. I would drive around London like a hungry dog looking for meat. The trouble was that successes (which were few in number) were so awesome, I just got so freaked out by the achievement, I couldn't really comprehend how I did it. Now I know.

I've got it down now, that virtually every fucking time I close, if I can be bothered.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A cultural phenomenon -This is a heavy duty locomotive

Mystery says this in the Current TV promo on MM.

This a revolution, the coolest fucking thing ever. For those with the desire there is now the means to engineer the objective.

I wish the community had never gone commercial to the degree that it has. It would have been much cooler to keep it all 'open source' and NNTP with a few websites.

Nobody can change that now, let's see what happens.

Attraction is not a choice - David D'Angelo

Or David D'Anushole as Style calls him in the book, or rather as Style reports Ross Jeffries calling him.

Now I know everyone is sick of hearing this phrase, because we hear it a lot.

Eventhough the meaning of this statement is obvious (as it's really the whole premise of the community), it's omnipresence causes it to not be thought about that much I think.

It takes a while before you get this in my view. Only when the results come do you finally get what D'Anushole means - it's another mindtrip. it's fucking amazing to think about the implication of this statement.

Now I get

One thing Tyler says is that you get into community, find all these resources and your state improves and you inspired.

Unless you discipline yourself to go out and sarge with regularity you will not overcome your fears.This is true. You can read so much inpiring stuff on so many sites. If that's all you do, when you finally venture out to try it, you will get fucking scared.

Tyler Durden promotional seminar audio - Outstanding

I've said this before, but I'm saying it again.

I know Thundercat thinks RSD are fucking assholes and I know that Tyler has not had a great

If you are say an AFC or someway along the RAFC scale, I would get this audio and listen to it over and over again.

It's 1:53minutes. You listen carefully to what he says. Change some of your internal programming and do what he says. I fucking guarantee you will fuck loads of women soon.

If Tyler's new ebook is as good as this, I might get it and change my rule about paying for products.

This Tyler dude has to be sharp. Rather, I would maintain that there's no congruence in the view that the person saying those words is not for real.

AAA - Approach Anxiety Annihilation - a special place indeed

Tonight I was so in state I was just on another plane, totally unstoppable. Even the best grand masters have AA, they just learn to deal with it better.

Tonight I just killed it dead, it feels like liberation. The splinter in my mind has gone - disappeared.

It's amazing to think, that only members of the community will ever get to know what AAA feels like in their lifetime. Of the entire male sex on this planet, we are the only people who will ever experience that feeling of liberation. Isn't that profound.

Even a natural will get fucked up at some point - he will succumb to social conditioning at some point I bet.

For a long time now I've tended to shun the teenage mutant wanker parts of the west end. AMOG square n' stuff. For a change, I thought I'd revisit some of my former territory. It was great fun and it was so much fun feeling the superiority I had over the shitheads around me.
I bet those tossers go home and wank off.

If attraction is an emotional and biological response base

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I don't buy books, I don't buy CDs, I don't buy ebooks, or DVDs or go to bootcamps or any of that stuff. I bought The Game, but that's not a manual on how to pull it off, it's about a guy's experience, how he got involved in this and his journey through it.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Article to write, the perceptio of the community from the outside

Now the people who think the community is pathetic....

Monday, July 03, 2006

Poor Information to Manage Your Anger /Societal Programming/Social Conditioning

Badboy uses the Matrix analogy I hear. I wouldn't know the details of how he relates this as I don't take workshops, but I think he's chosen a good analogy.

A quote from Tyler Durden: "social conditioning dictates only a certain kind of guy gets the hot women right.....that's not the case....if you know what to look for you'll see which guys have the girls...."

There's no conspiracy and no individual to blame, but it's just the sum effect of all media and culture in the world and its insinuation regarding success in getting women. That's your 'societal programming'; it's what your mind is conditioned with and it's such shit, that unless you are in the community, you're fucked.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Oh yeah, I remember that I wanted to get this following point down:

Sometimes when you are out and about, but not specifically to do pickup, you see opportunities everywhere but don't try to do anything, though you feel relaxed and superconfident, knowing that if you wanted to you would stand a very high chance of executing a good pickup - you feel relaxed and comfortable in your ability.

Then after a while of not doing pickup, when you then go out specifically to do it, you don't feel as relaxed anymore. Suddenly there is a nagging feeling of outcome dependence in the back of your mind, a voice that says 'What if I've lost my ability? What if I can't cut it anymore? If this one doesn't work may be I'm not as great as I thought I was.'

These thoughts are totally illogical, they just show your mental flaws as a human being, because once you've pulled off atleast one great pickup, you are forever changed. Though your confidence levels may ebb and flow, deep down you are imbued with a special knowledge and self belief that few guys will ever know. You may 'leave the community', get into other things, stay with one girl, but you know what you can do - you can't forget it even if you wanted to.

I'm glad that before the seduction community started I did do just that; pulloff some great pickups, without anyone telling me how to do it and without me understanding very well how I did it. May be that makes me a natural.

Also, may be some PUAs don't notice this subtle mental flaw I talk of. They are simply relaxed and superconfident WHENEVER an opportunity presents itself, even after a break from the game.
As of yesterday or the day before, it felt like a watershed in the development of my game. In the end I just collapsed with exhaustion after days of solid gaming. I really feel like a player at the moment, it's a certain feeling you get when you're flicking through your smartphone's contacts app. - especially when one of the entries is a Spearmint Rhino dancer.

I'm gonna take a few days break now, offload all my new insight and knowledge, think about it, make some adjustments, then go out again. I think I've got some unique stuff, things that nobody else is doing. No matter how long you've been playing the game, you can always take it to a new level, a new plateau, a new place of insane levels of ability in picking up women - who and in situations where, you never thought it could it be done.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

just a few thoughts, crap grammar and typos

I'm gonna sort out this blog, make the time stamps right, make it well written without typos and crap grammar, the vernacular allowing..... bear with me, I'll get round to it, I do actually know how to spell and write.

I have years of material that I could put down, because when I go through many of my experiences I learn something new each time I recall them in detail.

One thing I'd like to do is praise Tyler's free seminar audio - this is an outstanding contribution to the community - not just because it's a free resource. Even if it cost somebody money it would still be good - I've listened to it many times, I don't have to see the guy operate to know he must be a damn good player - even if people say bad things about him and RSD.

To be a good player, especially when you have a small handful (or even a large handful) of bitches to manage, you really have to be on top of your life in all areas, not just the game - that's what I think anyway.

The way I do it is to sometimes take myself out of the game for a few days, when it's becoming too difficult to manage all my girls. Usually it's because of administrative crap in my life that's wasting my life and energy, but once I get on top of that - it's back to the game

I know a lot of the leading PUAs talk about being in state and not in state - and when you're not in state, how to get in state - when I'm way out of state I may make a half hearted attempt - but I know that's not good enough.

One of the things I'm realising is that being a good PUA is totally compatible with a top lifestyle - what I mean is that to be good, you can't do it unless you are physically super healthy, well organised, able to manage your time, eating right and not wasting your energy worrying about things. I mean these are just good general traits to have than any person would want, but a player must have these abilities in abundance - this is another thing that is making me so drawn to the game - it's the most well-rounded, healthiest game around.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bitch Management System

Now that I have a small harem of 4 bitches, I was thinking that there could be a use for a software application for PUAs. Basically it should run on smart phones and all the major mobile platforms. You log the data and it gives like a nice calendar view with reminders like, 'Latvian bitch 2' - you've spent 4 hours with her over 3 different days, you've only got 3 hours left or it's LJBF time. Get the idea?

It came to me when I started to realise how just how smooth and efficient you've got to be to 'manage' lots of girls at once. I had a load of ideas on what it should do, then I thought, you've got to be joking - I dunno, may be sometime, but not now.

I don't know why I put this in, just a random thought I guess:

Like Style said, in The Game, many guys consciously think of what they are doing as indeed a game - it protects you emotionally from any fallout and it means rejection doesn't bother you.

I may put the preceeding paragraph somewhere else and my add own angles, because inner game is a big subject and this view from Style is a bit simplistic.

Sian LLoyd - Weather Presenter - Failed to Sarge

I was walking down one of the more upmarket streets in Camden Town, when I saw Sian Lloyd the weather presenter - infamous for her luscious lips and large mouth - according to some (probably the guys who've sampled her attributes already).

I had a momentary thought process blockage though, I forgot I was a PUA and instead muttered some totally lame crap:

me: "excuse me are you a weather presenter"
Sian: "yes I am"
me: "I think you're really good"
Sian: "thank you, that's very nice of you", as she carries on walking in the opposite direction

I know it was a pathetic performance from me, but atleast I didn't ask her for an autograph.

My behaviour was pathetic because I clearly established a subtext where she had a higher value than me. You can't pickup any woman like that, yet alone a famous one.

I should have said that when I was younger I fantasized about getting my cock and balls in her mouth all at once.

From now on I will never forget who I am. Lesson learnt.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Video crazy MM, BB, RSD

Now as I said, I don't pay for it :) ........ (meaning I don't pay money to anybody to help me with The Game, be it products or services - 'cause that's my preference. I look at what various people are saying, then take and leave bits of their advice according to what I think is good , then create my own methods and ways of doing things - that way you create your own style (no pun intended).

One thing that long timers in the community must be thinking.....

Isn't this all becoming a bit too mainstream - all losing it's cool and underground feel which I suppose went a long time ago? That might be a rhetorical question.

For the newer guys going out there learning from these big names... especially when it comes to canned material and openers - it must be the fucking worst thing in the world to go up to a gal and repeat what some other guy has just said!

"...Excuse me, I need a quick female opinion on something, ...."

I only need the inspiration of knowing what is possible, not a blueprint to copy.

I think the above are all excellent organisations. From what I've heard, RSD seem to have the biggest level of criticism levelled against them, but I don't endorse that view, it's just what I've seen in various places online.

It's funny seeing what a big business this is becoming; how MM put up some funky promo videos (which are great btw), then suddenly BB has something too, then RSD has some video testimonials. They all watch each other pretty closely, that's clear.

Clearly they are all competing commercial interests - which has implications for what they claim they deliver for you.

I would say that after reading Maniac High or some of the other great material out there, if you still don't get it, even if these MM, RSD and BB guys stick their head up your arse and shout it at you, you still won't get it.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Cognitive IOI Failure - CIF

Now in some circles CIF stands for something different, though still related to MF interaction, but I shan't go into that.

In the context of this weblog CIF describes any situation where you've had IOI from a target, or may be not even your intended target, but where you got that IOI without noticing it at the time. Rather, you realise it after the event, say when you come home and think about what happened at a club you've just been to, or a girl you saw in a shop or anywhere whilst out.

When you realise that you've just had CIF it hurts, particularly if it was a nice piece. It means you threw away a potential close, it means you didn't have to even do a 'cold approach', because the interest was already there, meaning a greatly improved chance of success for yourself.

Thoughts about opportunity in THIS game

This weekend the sun came out in force, the city had a real summer feel and opportunities abounded.

Once your game starts getting good, once you see the results and realise the implication of your skillset, a mind trip happens......

I often find myself thinking; “shit in just 1.5 hours I picked up this stunner, I could that again in a few hours,,,, over days and a few weeks, I could build a proper harem". probably 2 weeks no problem.

There is one place I like in particular in London (I strike anywhere as it happens but...) - Bayswater or Babewater; this place has so much daytime opportunity for lovers of continental women it is almost too much to take in.

On Saturday evening there is/are some rich kid/kids that hang(s) out on the street just before the Starbucks. Once I saw one of this group had a black 360 Modena letting the engine idle for sheer pose value of the sound - another time I saw one of this lot had a Mclaren Mercedes SLR - a serious piece of machinery if you know about such things

IT WAS SATISFYING TO SEE that none of them had any top looking women around them!

And on another note, anybody who thinks the 360 Modena is a great styled car, is obviously only a label junkie.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My first MILF pickup this Saturday afternoon

Now I don't know what MILF stands for and don't care - but I've seen some MILF porn and the bitches in question were tasty, full stop.

This was a damn good pickup. I was in this organic shop in central London, not to do pickup, but to get a juice and sandwich. They were too busy at the juice counter, so I went to fetch some bottled water.

As I did I saw a sexy tanned MILF- noticed her immediately, but she didn't see me. How can I describe her - well looks a bit like Olivia Newton John - and as it turns out, is from that part of the world too.

I did NOT intend to game her, eventhough the thought crossed my mind. Any how, looked towards the chilled section for a sandwich and as I was heading there our trajectories, crossed - totally unintentionally - LIKE I SAID I DID NOT INTEND TO GAME HER and I did not open my mouth or say anything.

As our paths crossed, I moved to the right so as not to bump into her, she moved to right as well, so I moved to left to avoid a collision, she moved to the left also...... I may have looked a bit daft, but I didn't apologise and when she eventually got passed me she had a disapproving look on her face - like I was an idiot.

I went to the checkout with my water and sandwich. At the checkout was a nice Spanish girl, but I couldn't be fucked to try it on, she was only a 6 anyway - for mental practice I immediately tried to think of a creative opener - did the recall, but didn't open my mouth to say it. I'm going for quality now - a bitch has to have something that makes me stand to attention :) and look at her

I recommend all aspiring PUAs try this - it's like mental revision, it keeps you on your toes, even if you don't intend to game her, think of an opener.

This place has tables to eat your food, so after paying I went and sat down - making sure I sat next to another bitch of course. This time it was some kind of oriental - didn't like her face or accent when I opened her so didn't continue (her back was to me when I sat down so I couldn't guage her looks).

Anyway, as I am eating Miss Olivia Newton John looks at me, whilst she is now in the checkout queue. Over about 3 minutes we must have ECed briefly 3 times or more, each time I looked away, trying not to stare. I was thinking she must have been mentally dissing me.

The table I am at has 3 seats, the oriental bitch I have lost interest in is separated from me by an empty seat.

I just could not fucking believe it, but Miss Olivia Newton John, comes and fills that empty seat! Shit I thought ! How the fuck did that happen ? - GAME ON DUDE, let's go to work!!!!

In the face of serendipity - just lap it up.

I open with 'that looks incredibly healthy', she says some shit, I detect her accent, and say 'which part of Australia are you from?'

Basically we get on great for about 20 minutes at least.

As we are finishing our snack food, Miss Oriental ugly girl leaves the table. A dude next to me on the next table is listening to my pickup in progress - I can tell from the corner of my eye - he is listening intently but trying not to grin.

I don't lower my voice though - I say to myself fuck him - think how great it will be when I extract Miss ONJ in full view of everybody. Miss India was a complete blow out because like stupid amateur I became self conscious at that bus stop when everyone stared at us - I was determined not to make the same mistake here.

Guess what happens next - full fucking extraction and location shift!!!!

We head to Starbucks - we go downstairs where the AC is on and the atmosphere is more intimate. I get a juice this time...

Build lots of comfort.....

She wants to go shopping.....

Now I the play the ace card and get her into my car for a drive and shopping trip - like an instant date - don't get me wrong, no supplication at all, didn't buy her anything, but she knows I'm not poor.

.....basically bored of typing now, but must have spent like over an hour with her in total in the end

swapped numbers, bit of kino before the end too (palm reading), I'm gonna be up this bitch's pussy like a rat up a drain pipe next week!

I went home after dropping her off and tried to analyse how I managed to pull this one off

I mean it must have been the attraction she got from my energy when we nearly bumped into each other. I thought about it repeatedly, she could have sat anywhere.... and she came and sat next to me.... being a pickup artist is just brilliant.

I feel an immense sense of satisfaction - knowing that when it counts I can deliver - or if I fail - I will work out what was wrong and not make that mistake again.

When you do a good pickup - it really is thrilling, I can see how this can be addictive - it's a power trip - as PUAs we have power that others don't have. We are a new race of super beings spanning the continents - where others are clueless, we reign supreme.

Let's see, tomorrow I fancy a Thai takeaway - I know a place where a 10 works behind the counter - this is no ordinary 10 either, this is an SHB10, I'm gonna go for mission impossible and try and extract her out of the shop just before it closes.

Oh sorry about the NC plan, which didn' t happen, I'm gonna go out tonight alone, just to do external club reconnaissance. Then we'll shortlist the right places and create the mission statement.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Plan for tommorrow - work night club attack plan

I'm going out on my own on a mission.

This is the most difficult thing to do mentally, especially Friday and Saturday night which are the worst nights to do clubs - full of the dross of society

In Badboy's free audio he says, "I bet you can succeed alone".

He is right, it's possible and it's necessary to be able to cut it by yourself to be a player. I have a lot to say on this subject........for sometime later.

I'll document the plan tommorrow............

Arguably my greatest street pickup ever - Maida Vale London

Platinum blonde, Eastern European (Latvian), huge knockers, sun tan, ... the list goes on. Oh yeah, unfortunately an intelligent girl too (oh well, almost perfect).

I picked up this girl 2 weeks ago exactly actually, .... I'll fill up how I did it later

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Commercialisation of the The Community

I would like to praise Maniac High and www.pickupguide.com

The stuff on there is nothing short of inspirational.

I have only started this blog a few days ago, but I have been making my own notes and records for about a year. I will find a way to update all my earlier material to this weblog - I have years of pickups I can put down here - stuff you won't believe.

Making guys pay money for pickup products and services is crap in my view. On principle I will not pay money for any such material no matter how great it is, even if it's Mystery's Ebook.

The only price I am willing to pay is my time and energy invested in myself to become the type of pickup artist I wanna be.

How many times has Badboy paid $2000 to learn how to approach a female? Answer: zero

Who wants to have their name in some company's database as having paid money to learn how to pickup women?

I would rather buy porn online using my credit card.

With all the free resources out there, if you can't work it out for yourself, I think you are quite likely to be fucking stupid.

Perhaps you are not; you just want to pay to be spoon fed in a convenient way?

The media is hearing more and more about The Community. It appears that Mystery and Badboy are getting the attention.

Monday, June 12, 2006

RIE - Reverse IOI Embaressment - Mystery overlooks

I don't have Mystery's ebook so I may be wrong here, but going by his DVD clips he talks about two parts to fear of the approach or AA (approach anxiety) - that's not an accepted community acronym btw, but just what I call it, because it's such a big part of the game.

One thing that cracks me up is when he talks about in prehistoric times how so many people have died because they approached a woman that was taken and the owner or his friends 'smash your fucking head in and bury you' - that's why we all have this circuit in our heads he says.

Another thing he mentions is fear of foreign territories, as often being another component of approach anxiety.

One thing he misses is that a dude will often feel embarressed to make an approach because to do that means having to do something that will make it more or less obvious that you are interested in her. That is subtly different from fear of rejection, fear of foreign territories and the neuro circuit that Mystery talks about in his DVDs. The problem is that you feel embarrassed to imply interest in a women by virtue of your approach. I call this RIE.

I don't have this problem, because I don't give a shit what she thinks - most of the time. Actually there is more to it than not giving a shit, it takes an advancement in your inner game. Formhandle talked about this somewhere I think and I reckon it's good advice; don't waste your mental space thinking what a bitch is thinking when you are doing a pickup.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Today I fucked up a sure 8

Today I fucked up a sure 8. It made me feel good though, because the IOI I got was really flattering.

It's not that I got blown out by the target; a lone wolf model type Indian looking bitch in South Kensington, tall may be 5ft 8", slim, great face and long straight black hair, chic dress sense too.

The attraction was so strong, I felt I had her in the palm of my hand, on the end of my dick almost - what happened was that I blew myself out, as after I got strong IOI in the form of questions about me and nice smiles, we walked together for a while and then I ask her where she's heading, as we get to a bus stop.

At the bus stop she tells me she's going to meet a friend, we'll go by car I say, and then she says she's going by bus, in a way that I could easily have turned around, I've done it so many times before. I just became too self-conscious of all the people at the bus stop watching me trying to close the deal with this girl, so ejected - 'you fucking idiot', I said to myself.

It was just rustiness, countless times I've closed the deal in these situations, but I'm moving up a notch now, 6s and 7s don't interest me anymore, I want the best pussy available, that means >= 8 in my book.

Man I had that bitch sussed, instinctively I knew the battle was won, I felt the buying temperature soar.....it's just that if you fail to sarge for a while you sometimes make pathetic excuses and bail out.

The inspiration of that girl will last...atleast until tommorrow, but I won't screw up like that again.

What I like about this thing was that day I said to myself, right, I'm gonna drive around looking for a top piece of cunt and pull her right off the streets. It took me all of 10 minutes to find a suitable target. The efficiency with which I scanned for prey, it was cool and ruthless, the constant discrimination and rejection of substandard bitches in my mind. I feel like I've got special power - at times.

Ok so I fucked it up and then I had other things to do, but I do feel like I am superior to most of the male population, because I've succeeded many times before. To pull a top looking bitch off the streets is the benchmark. It requires a nerve and inner power greater than that required for club girls – IMHO

LESSON – even if you’ve had a lot of success in pickup, when you don’t do it for extended periods of time, some of your old limitations recur. It’s not a big deal, you just give yourself a bit of time to warm up, to come up to the standard you were used to.