Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Badboy 2nd DVD from Carpe Diem - Dubious trailers

Previously I've given Badboy a lot of praise in my writing. I do think he is geniune in his claims, but I have to say that seeing his trailer for his new CD series and his recommended way of day game approach - well:

1) I would never do a day game approach like that. It's too confrontational. I'm not saying it doesn't work for him, but in my experience of picking up women, all over London (and I've been doing it from way before the seduction community has existed) this approach is of limited value unless you are in an incredibly high state - I'm doubtful many guys will have the conviction and belief that such a method requires. Badboy needs to understand that not everybody has been a teenage solder with the experience of fighting in the front lines, being shot and all the experiences he's had - he comes from a different perspective.

2) Badboy marketing - from the perspective of new customers who have not bought his products or services yet - he seems to offer nothing that indicates he's a human being. There's photos of him with hot babes and tonnes of advice given with great conviction, almost like he's like a god (the god of European style direct game). He shows no weakness at all.

My view is this - only guys who have suffered humiliation, embarressment, misery, unhappiness and wasted years with no girls in sight (apart from 6 inches away in magazines with the pages stuck together) will get good at this (and will teach well too). You have have to want it so bad you have to be almost willing to die for it. I have cried like a fucking baby over beautiful prick teasing babes I thought I stood a chance with but never did. Let's see Badboy crying, then we'll know he's just like us - or maybe he doesn't have to cry, but let's see a video of him fucking up an approach or evidence of AA hesitation and stale out.

I won't be buying Badboy's DVDs because it's against my rules about paying for pickup products, but I'm sure they'll be great, so I'd like to review them without seeing them. I think they deserve 5 stars (5 out of 5).


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