Friday, November 03, 2006

How long does it take to learn how to pickup women and fuck them?

Well, it depends on many factors, but first let us define what we are talking about here:

What we are talking about is the ability to consistently and systematically, pickup, seduce and have sex with women who you have not met or seen before - EVER, who are not in your social circle or not acquaintances of people you know.

The time required is primarily a function of your current level of ability, or rather it's inversely proportional - obviously.

For most guys though, you are looking at atleast a year's worth of work minimum - there are no shortcuts.

When you get into the seduction scene, you begin to see 'just how deep the rabbit hole goes' – slowly your eyelids are peeled back and then it dawns on you; the full extent of your societal programming. You start to see just how badly your mind has been destroyed by society in it's capacity to guide you to finding satisfaction in attaining the women you really want – for whatever you want do with them.

Let's also say what we are NOT talking about. If you have had an attractive girlfriend/partner/wife previously, or even if you have had several, that's not what we are talking about here. Getting into a relationship through normal social circles, work contacts, etc. That doesn't make you a pickup artist and it says almost nothing about your ability to seduce women.

If you can spot a beautiful looking girl on the street and get her into your car, get her phone number, 'take her out' instantly and may be later do her (perhaps on the same day) - if you can do that - that makes you a pickup artist. Though of course that's just one example; the point I'm making is that as a pickup artist you are able to win women with no 'social crutches' to help you at all, ie. cases where she is a friend of your friend, or you've been introduced - or she's in your team at work - that's too easy - they're gift situations that fall into your lap.

Those are situations where 'you got lucky' and they don't count. Of course it adds to your experience of women and that's a good thing, though the skills you acquire as a PUA will allow you to annihilate the competition in those kinds of 'normal' situations, (should you decide to pursue them). If you haven't been into the seduction community before, accept humility because you don't know fucking anything. Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for the biggest revolution in your life.


....AND....there is a point to all this. There is a strong reason, why some are so captivated by this underground movement (though it's not underground anymore now). Detractors would cite that this is all about bragging to your friends, clocking up meaningless numbers etc. THAT'S NOT THE POINT. (it's true that numbers will send your self esteem through the roof, but)


YOU have the ability to get the kind of girl you want - you are no longer in the shackles that society has placed you in - the straight jacket is removed and you are liberated in your biological desire for women:

My looks are average - I can't have a stunning looking girl
I don't have much money - I can't hope to have a wealthy posh girl
I am x years old - therefore the only girls I could get would be x-5 to x+2 years old
Well, I can't go to nightclubs anymore so how can I pickup models?
I have no fucking hair - it's just impossible, because I want a blonde porn queen
My job isn't high status enough

The above are just a few of the socially conditioned axioms of your mind that have lead to your debility in picking up women.

big article to write.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have the most interesting blog I have ever seen. I almost got in trouble at work cause I couldn't stop reading it. I am very interested in "the community" and I would like to find out more. Please post more about sites or places where I can get info.
A canadian pick up artist in training!

12:20 PM  
Blogger London Pickup Artist said...

Well, from your own country there is Mystery of Mystery Method and also Tyler Durden of Real Social Dynamics, two of the biggest names in the community.

Do some searches on google, I don't wish to put up links to commercial sites at the moment.

Good luck, but that's got nothing to do with it.

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are money my friend! I'm gonna start searchering immediately and I impatiently await your next post!
Thanks and I bet you'll be hearing more from me!
A canadian pick up artist in training!

7:05 AM  

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