Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Gothic Beauties, Rock Chics and Alternative Babes - Alternative to bootcamp program - If you want fantastic 'alternative' girls

I do mainstream clubs as well, but I love alternative girls, there's something I find immensely attractive about them.

I've decided to offer a scholarship. Basically, this means I will take a few people perhaps people who are fucking useless and teach that person or people to mack girls right out of a club - or off the streets.

I recently had an experience where I spotted probably the most incredible barbie doll deeply tanned, platinum blonde, miniskirted eastern european club girl on Regent Street (she had been to Chinawhite). I was gonna so a street approach, but got approach anxiety as things had not gone well that night for me. I let the girl walk off but half heartedly followed, knowing my state was so bad that I couldn't approach. Just looking at her was a thrill though. Anyway 2 black guys who where obviously not pro pickup artists (probably way below AFCs) spurred on by right handed fantasies just blurted something out at her in the hope that would elicit a response. She just carried on walking.

I went up to the 2 black guys and said "dudes, you didn't do it right, for a start the approach angle was wrong, the distance to target was wrong, it wasn't.........."
They said to me "Who are you? If you're so great you try!" Well, I felt a bit of a prick criticising them, but I accepted the gauntlet. They watched in the background as the girl walked off down Oxford Street on Saturday night. I walked up to the girl (hot girls on their own always walk fast for some reason), and when along side her, casually asked her what club she'd been too, then ran other game on her. WEll, she didn't tell me to fuck off, and I walked and talked with her a few minutes, and I mad e her laugh - I then ejected. Actually I wasn't tight enough to pick up this girl, but I got some response.

The black guys were stunned that I had the nerve to even go near her and talk. They were congratulating me that I got some kind of response and wanted me to join them at some other club. I was tired and left though. I felt really good in that I showed them something they hadn't thought could be done. May be they'll get into the seduction game one day. I really enjoyed my spot of teaching and this got me thinking.

In fact you can be pretty good already or not that great, or be a grand master far better than me, or hopeless - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you've got to be really hungry and really want these types of girls - the top ones. This is not gonna be a bootcamp where I tell you to do this and that and order you about - that's pretty shit (and expensive). Rather we will discuss our game experiences and I'll tell how I do things and show you. It is not really winging for each other either and I'll be out to take girls for myself (where bootcamp instructors don't do that).

This course is gonna be absolutely free, so if you think you are too useless, too boring, too old, too .... - contact me if you are interested (the bit before the at sign is londonpua and the bit after the at sign is mail dot com)
If you are highly educated, or highly uneducated, like music or can play guitar, that would be good.

Here's the syllabus:

Day 1 meet in a Starbucks or some other coffee shop - 2 hours discussion about the game.

Then we're gonna go to work: (don't expect this to be easy - it's hard work, which is why I refer to it as such)

I'm gonna extract girls from any of - Decadence (sin), Slimelight, The Intrepid Fox, Full Tilt (Sin City), Devonshire Arms.

This is not a one 2 or 3 day event, like a bootcamp. It goes on and on endlessly until everyone finds what they're looking for.

I have a female pivot who can join us sometimes - she's immensely helpful. She isn't my girl, she has a boyfriend and I don't want her as she's my friend. I also have a 'natural' friend that shows up sometimes, he knows nothing about the community, he hasn't even got a net connection so he says, but he always manages to take a girl home.


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