Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Leading Players do not have the result they want - it's self evident

Think about it - I've been doing this for years and and this is not the conclusion I guess I wanted to arrive at:

If a guy is getting the type of girl(s) he wants (in quality and quantity) and having the type of sex he wants with her from the outset, and the type of relationship he wants with her subsequently (if he wants that). That person is going to be living on another planet.

I think quality, quantity and sex are the keys. If I find a girl where the sex is as good as I think it should be, then I will fucking keep her and stick with her for a while. The subject of sex is almost totally ignored in the (commercial) community, but experience tells me that if it's how it should be you won't feel the need to do pickup as much.

I have said this before, but I suspect that with outright macking, a lot of the sex that guys 'get' is pathetic. Perhaps this is an area that people should look into. As for certain people's claims with numbers of hot hotbabes laid etc, it doesn't seem to mean that much. In fact it's almost a tacit admission of a sexual performance so bad, you've got to find another girl.

One thing I find shocking (if it's true - which it may not be) is that Lemmy said in an interview he fucks a groupie for a few strokes then has to wait 8 hours to try again and he takes viagra. Much as I admire the man, I think that's called a problem.

As Lemmy said "The Chase is Better than the Catch".

It should be the other way round though as otherwise this game is pointless. Pickup is thrilling but it's also a lot of work - a hell of a lot - don't be fooled.

Concentrate on fucking the living crap out of your catch - that's really the point and the satisfaction.

When you look at various commercial PUA sites, the results that various 'players' claim can't really be substantiated, it would make sense for them to exaggerate their results for commercial gain. I'm sure this is how the other game works. There's the game, which used to be pure, then there's the marketing game to make money out of it.


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