Friday, July 21, 2006

We are living in exiting times - The Time of Social Engineering - About Openers Again

That's what the game is I think. When i feel really out of the matrix now, I feel a special power which other people don't have because they are still plugged in (obviously I don't mean the community). When an attractive women appears, I sometimes observe other guys to see how they react. You can tell someone who ain't into this. You see how fucked up the entire male population is. Fucking useless.

For those who pursue the game with determination and patience I swear who will see changes in the way you think. You will have some great revelations when it finally clicks how this shit works.

Say you were an AFC/RAFC and you get some success with closes of attractive women on your scale. Do not think that AA is gone forever. It's a long battle to defeat AA, it takes a long fucking time. Sometimes you might close an HB - do not think "yeah now I'm the man - i've got it sussed" - you're on your way for sure, but it takes time.

Sometimes after a success you think "great I am now at this level and it can only get better" - generally this is a valid thought, but don't fall into the trap of fearing other approaches of HBs because if you didn't pull the next one it will some how bring back from cloud 9 - and shatter you illusory state of masterfulness.

I've never been to a workshop, but I would say this: There is no fucking way in 3 days you are going to get the nuances of how openers lead to success sometimes and other times lead to crash and burn. It takes time, longer. You have to keep opening women every fucking where.

One day it will all make sense. You start to develop a sixth sense. As you keep opening women all over the fucking place, you start to understand that the woman is almost irrelevant. The success /failure is totally within you and how you do it. You start to feel and get a vibe, you know what's going down before you've opened your mouth to speak to her. Without consciously thinking you have seen the outcome of the sarge before you've done it.

People can talk about tonality, body language, delivery etc as all the main schools do. I would say it's that AND totally about your mental state and how favourable that is at the time.

When you open and you don't do it right - you actually subconsiously knew you had failed before you did it. It's good you tried because this experience will grow and grow, then you will see the light. I don't know when this will be for you. Mystery says 3 years to become a top Venusian artist.

The thing is, there are no limits to this game. That's what makes it interesting. There are only higher and higher levels of accomplishment. All PUAs have limitations, it's just that Mystery's or Badboy's are probably less than yours or mine, but I'm sure they can always find a situation that pushes their ability.

Hear's a quote from Ayrton Senna before he died in San Marino 94:

"With your mind power, spirit, determination and instinct as well, you can fly very high."

Then he talks about his great laps around Monaco. He says,this:

"On a given day, a given circumstance, you think - ok, this is the limit. Then you push for that limit, and you touch that limit. When you touch that limit, something happens and you can go faster still."

That's how it is with The Game.

Btw hanging out in the south of France also developed my taste for beautiful women. Infact the best concentration of top pussy I've ever seen has been in Monaco and Cannes


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