Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Monumental Paradigm Shift Has Occurred in My Headspace

My life is forever changed.

That was meant to sound positive, but I'm also getting a bit disheartened in that I'm realising that to be really good in pickup and get the kind of girls you really really want, it's like a full time job, in fact it's far more demanding than any job I've done. This is like 24/7, because you're either going out to do pickup, thinking about lessons you've learnt, keeping your place ready so that you can bring back girls for f-closes....

There is another way and I've been thinking about it for sometime. If 'what you do' is a natural magnet for hot girls then you can do pickup 'at work'. Now there's no fucking way on earth you're going to get babes lusting after you by virtue of your expert C++ knowledge is there? That's a shame, but it's the way it is unfortunately.

When I macked that rock chick, it was funny because one guy who got onstage and played the rhythm guitar for one song, thought he could impress that girl 'as he was in the band', but I couldn't give a shit, I just AMOGGED him and talked over him. Fuck you, this girl is mine and she came with me. Without sutff I'd learnt from the community I would never have done that. The victory was supremely satisfying.

Even after life changing successes, I think the game is still a hard game to play. I've got a few friends who help me during pickup sometimes now, so I'm no longer 'A London Pickup Artist Working Alone', but most of the time I still am. These friends of mine are absolutely unreliable and so I've still got to be able to do it on my own or I'm going to die of being unhappy from not getting what I want.

I'm thinking a bit about Buddhism 'desire is cause of all suffering' - so if I don't naturally desire beautiful babes I won't feel pain if I don't have them? but how can I do that? I think their philosophy is right but impossible to follow in practice.

I'm going out now, it's 1.22am my aim is mack girls from this club near oxford street (it's not a mainstream club). I'm not feeling like doing it, but I know I have no choice, I have to go out. It's called the game, but it doesn't feel that way to me - to me this a life or death activity - get beautiful girls or face the grim reaper.

Over and out, got to get ready now and then descend into the batcave to start up my car.



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