Sunday, July 30, 2006

Looks? Am I good looking? Tyler

Well anybody who makes comments about the quality of their own looks to other people is obviously lacking something themselves.

I never talk about my looks. I never say anything positive or negative on the subject.

If you must know, other people have said embarressingly complimentary things about my looks, many times unfortunately. Why do I find this unfortunate?

Well, I've found these compliments difficult to take, especially earlier in my life, when I just couldn't figure out, 'well if that is the case, why aren't I getting girls' - or rather the kind of girls I want?

I think I'm a good social observer, I constantly look appraise and categorise people. (particularly with regard to music culture). I can tell what was the last piece of music somebody paid money for just by looking at them. Whenever I see a beautiful girl/woman with somebody, I ALWAYS try to figure out what could have made that female attracted to that male.

Ahhh - the ignorance of the world outside this community - it's such a joke. When you understand that looks aren't what creates a womans attraction for a man, it becomes so much easier, but we live in a society which is not giving us that message - it's giving the wrong message. Well fuck society, we in the community know better.

The thing about this is that it's so ingrained in the human male mind it's difficult to comment out that bit of code you know. As a guy your initial attraction towards women is almost totally looks based - plus after the initial 'sighting' it's still the biggest factor - So we extrapolate a women's attraction for us follows the same basis. We then infer that if we don't look as good as she is beautiful, we are not worthy, not a suitably match or have no fucking chance. Then the hotter the target we think somehow the more worthy we've got to be - this is more internal mind fuck shit that society has spoon fed you all your life. All shit Matrix shit as Badboy has said.

I think the community can be thought of us the first group of pioneers to break out of the matrix, in the field of male female interaction - if you want to use Badboy's analogy. May be he doesn't use the anology like this, I dunno, I hope I'm not doing him a disservice by misunderstanding him.

Think of all the examples of beautiful women you've seen with people who to your mind don't look good or look like assholes. I'm sure that's a big number.

I decided to write this post about the subject of looks as I was out and about today doing some sarging, but mainly to go and see a previous girl of mine who is into mystical shit - she's a Jgirl.

I was a few yards away from where my Jgirl works, when a plain tall rather Germanic looking student type girl stops me in streets and says, she likes the way I look and wants to take my photo. She is a photography student from Switzerland (I guessed Zurich correctly, which she thought was great), with a very expensive piece of medium format camera gear.

She makes me stand against a plain white backdrop like you see in fashion magazines where the clothes are the focus not the model. Then her assistant takes a light meter reading of me, she's using day light flash. Infact her assistant takes 3 light meter readings of me, and she photographs me 3 times once after each reading. This is about the coolest 'proof' you can have, because it's right outside a trendy bar packed trendy hotbabes and hopeful AFCs who are fucking clueless what to do.

One of my AFC friends, pre-community who is seriously into fucking whores on a frighteningly regular basis, says that when we hang out, he notices women looking at me in a way that looks like they are attracted to me without me having spoken to them. I never told him how I do this, I don't think I'm gonna tell anyone, not the even the community, because I don't think they will get it and they will find the techniques too fucking difficult anyway.

One day I might reveal this technique (for free as I don't want to become a cock sucking ebook merchant) -you might die in training though because it is HARD.

She is cool, of course I number close her immediately! I mean how could I NOT DO THAT in a situation like this?I get her email as well. I have already decided that I want to have sex with her, in particular doggy. She is not typically good looking, but well, plain and really...well, nice in nice way.

After compliment of my looks like this, I go to buy some shit and notice an awesome European glamour model type girl standing right next to me! Is she attracted to my looks - OF COURSE NOT.

WHAT SHE is attracted to is the energy state I project from my confidence. I look just like yesterday. SO I WILL say it again - it ain't your looks dude, it's the state you project.

Here's a great statement from Tyler, when he's speaking to a conference of AFCs/RAFCs/PUAs (presumably)

"You put me in anyone of your bodies, and I will pull. You put me in any one of your income brackets, I will pull".

He says it with the convinction of a man who believes in what he says. This guy is the real fucking deal, I have no doubt about it. I don't have to see him to know.

Style says that about Mystery in the book, but you can say that about Tyler too and I've just said it. Just because Tyler is a former of Mystery student, doesn't diminish the value of what Tyler says and teaches. Just because Tyler gets a shitty deal in the book, don't think you can't learn from him. Keep your mind open, keep learning from everyone and everything you see, everyday.

Personally I think they're both great people and hope they go onto to even greater heights.


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