Monday, June 19, 2006

Cognitive IOI Failure - CIF

Now in some circles CIF stands for something different, though still related to MF interaction, but I shan't go into that.

In the context of this weblog CIF describes any situation where you've had IOI from a target, or may be not even your intended target, but where you got that IOI without noticing it at the time. Rather, you realise it after the event, say when you come home and think about what happened at a club you've just been to, or a girl you saw in a shop or anywhere whilst out.

When you realise that you've just had CIF it hurts, particularly if it was a nice piece. It means you threw away a potential close, it means you didn't have to even do a 'cold approach', because the interest was already there, meaning a greatly improved chance of success for yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

6:11 AM  

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