Saturday, June 17, 2006

My first MILF pickup this Saturday afternoon

Now I don't know what MILF stands for and don't care - but I've seen some MILF porn and the bitches in question were tasty, full stop.

This was a damn good pickup. I was in this organic shop in central London, not to do pickup, but to get a juice and sandwich. They were too busy at the juice counter, so I went to fetch some bottled water.

As I did I saw a sexy tanned MILF- noticed her immediately, but she didn't see me. How can I describe her - well looks a bit like Olivia Newton John - and as it turns out, is from that part of the world too.

I did NOT intend to game her, eventhough the thought crossed my mind. Any how, looked towards the chilled section for a sandwich and as I was heading there our trajectories, crossed - totally unintentionally - LIKE I SAID I DID NOT INTEND TO GAME HER and I did not open my mouth or say anything.

As our paths crossed, I moved to the right so as not to bump into her, she moved to right as well, so I moved to left to avoid a collision, she moved to the left also...... I may have looked a bit daft, but I didn't apologise and when she eventually got passed me she had a disapproving look on her face - like I was an idiot.

I went to the checkout with my water and sandwich. At the checkout was a nice Spanish girl, but I couldn't be fucked to try it on, she was only a 6 anyway - for mental practice I immediately tried to think of a creative opener - did the recall, but didn't open my mouth to say it. I'm going for quality now - a bitch has to have something that makes me stand to attention :) and look at her

I recommend all aspiring PUAs try this - it's like mental revision, it keeps you on your toes, even if you don't intend to game her, think of an opener.

This place has tables to eat your food, so after paying I went and sat down - making sure I sat next to another bitch of course. This time it was some kind of oriental - didn't like her face or accent when I opened her so didn't continue (her back was to me when I sat down so I couldn't guage her looks).

Anyway, as I am eating Miss Olivia Newton John looks at me, whilst she is now in the checkout queue. Over about 3 minutes we must have ECed briefly 3 times or more, each time I looked away, trying not to stare. I was thinking she must have been mentally dissing me.

The table I am at has 3 seats, the oriental bitch I have lost interest in is separated from me by an empty seat.

I just could not fucking believe it, but Miss Olivia Newton John, comes and fills that empty seat! Shit I thought ! How the fuck did that happen ? - GAME ON DUDE, let's go to work!!!!

In the face of serendipity - just lap it up.

I open with 'that looks incredibly healthy', she says some shit, I detect her accent, and say 'which part of Australia are you from?'

Basically we get on great for about 20 minutes at least.

As we are finishing our snack food, Miss Oriental ugly girl leaves the table. A dude next to me on the next table is listening to my pickup in progress - I can tell from the corner of my eye - he is listening intently but trying not to grin.

I don't lower my voice though - I say to myself fuck him - think how great it will be when I extract Miss ONJ in full view of everybody. Miss India was a complete blow out because like stupid amateur I became self conscious at that bus stop when everyone stared at us - I was determined not to make the same mistake here.

Guess what happens next - full fucking extraction and location shift!!!!

We head to Starbucks - we go downstairs where the AC is on and the atmosphere is more intimate. I get a juice this time...

Build lots of comfort.....

She wants to go shopping.....

Now I the play the ace card and get her into my car for a drive and shopping trip - like an instant date - don't get me wrong, no supplication at all, didn't buy her anything, but she knows I'm not poor.

.....basically bored of typing now, but must have spent like over an hour with her in total in the end

swapped numbers, bit of kino before the end too (palm reading), I'm gonna be up this bitch's pussy like a rat up a drain pipe next week!

I went home after dropping her off and tried to analyse how I managed to pull this one off

I mean it must have been the attraction she got from my energy when we nearly bumped into each other. I thought about it repeatedly, she could have sat anywhere.... and she came and sat next to me.... being a pickup artist is just brilliant.

I feel an immense sense of satisfaction - knowing that when it counts I can deliver - or if I fail - I will work out what was wrong and not make that mistake again.

When you do a good pickup - it really is thrilling, I can see how this can be addictive - it's a power trip - as PUAs we have power that others don't have. We are a new race of super beings spanning the continents - where others are clueless, we reign supreme.

Let's see, tomorrow I fancy a Thai takeaway - I know a place where a 10 works behind the counter - this is no ordinary 10 either, this is an SHB10, I'm gonna go for mission impossible and try and extract her out of the shop just before it closes.

Oh sorry about the NC plan, which didn' t happen, I'm gonna go out tonight alone, just to do external club reconnaissance. Then we'll shortlist the right places and create the mission statement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

3:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MILF = Mother I Like Fucking

8:34 AM  

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